
Use this option to generate promo codes and have discounts for promotions.
  1. Click on Edit the item you want to add the coupon

  2. Go to the option called Coupons .

  3. On this section, we will be using the following:

    • Coupon code: Name of the coupon. Only letters are allowed.
    • Substract from Price: Quantity or Percentage that will be discounted from the base price.
      • Select $ to enter an specific amount discounted from the original price.
      • Select % to enter a percentage to be discounted from the original price.
    • Final Price: Final ticket price with the discount. Not editable.
    • Used: Amount of coupons already used (This number will appear as coupons are used).
    • Limit: Number of tickets the coupon can be used for.
    • Expire: Given Date and time that the coupon will be no longer valid (Expire date and hour).
  4. Click on Add coupon to save the coupon.

  5. Click on Save and close to save all changes, otherwise the coupons done won't be saved.